Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"The real action in IT and the enterprise has left the CIO behind in primarily a custodial role. Cloud services, business unit comfort with owning process automation and data analytics themselves, consumer tech's transformation of staff (we're all techies now), and a growing recognition that social media in a customer context as well as internal context is technologically simple but business-wise complex is leaving the CIO behind. Custodians are important contributors but not particularly high status. Is there anything CIOs can do to avoid the custodian fate?"
This is an important question and even has ramifications for the way we target services that involve IT going forward.  If our core logic is that the CIO is the economic buyer for targeting, but the CIO is no longer the primary decider or even buyer for the majority of future services... what then?  Who SHOULD we be targeting? What SHOULD we be saying to CIOs?

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